Do I need a to book a Bridal Session?
You’re wedding is coming up and one of the main vendors you’ll be doing research on is your photographer. Each one you come by has so many options whether it be printed products like albums and canvases, or additional sessions like engagements, bridals, and boudoir. You might think that the only option that makes sense are your engagement photos (more on boudoir later). But you should really take advantage of bridal photos and here’s why you should book your session.
Why more pictures?
I know… it seems like ever since you hired your photographer, all they want to do is have their camera in your face. Believe me when I say it’s all for good reason and you’re going to absolutely love your results. You may have heard this before, but sometimes it’s a bit uncomfortable to be in front of a camera. It doesn’t hurt to get some practice in and you probably don’t want to start on your wedding day. Get all the practice you need when there is literally no pressure and no audience.
Already taking engagement photos?
Okay, okay… I know it sounds super selfish but hear me out: There ain’t nothin’ wrong with having a session all to yourself girl! Definitely take advantage of your engagement photos because it’s an opportunity for you both to get some photos of you together before the big day, and make a date out of it. But your dress also needs some lime light. Ask your makeup artist if they can set up a trial run for the same day. You can get all dolled up and get some amazing photos of you in your beautiful dress that you’ve paid damn good money for.

Why not on the wedding day?
You’d be surprised how quickly time goes by on a wedding day. Often times there are photo opportunities missed. There is so much going on that time gets away from you and the next thing you know, the sun starts setting. I’ve worked with couple’s that get so busy with making sure that all the important family members are photographed that by the time cocktail hour hits, they’re ready to sit down. You might be pulled in different directions by several guests or you might be in a time crunch to keep up with the schedule for the day. Plus, most photos are going to be with you both included. A bridal session is so much more laid back, and you have a lot of time to focus on you and only you.
Didn’t win you over yet?
Take a look at some recent bridals that I’ve taken. How can you say no?